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Started by: admin (1786)

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Started: 17th Sep 2023 at 15:40

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 15:49
Last edited by lectriclegs: 17th Sep 2023 at 15:51:10

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

That video made my blood boil
It looks well when the freeloading, illegals get far better treated than the natives of England.

Food, laundry delivered, ambulance on site, visiting doctor and a big fence around the place to keep the British out The two police officers also didn't cover themselves in glory
That lady deserves a medal for filming and highlighting what has gone on there.
The immigrants should be put straight back on the dingy ( that they paid thousands for the privilege for) and sent back straight back.

Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 19:05

Posted by: tonker (28602) 

"That lady deserves a medal for filming and highlighting what has gone on there."

Has she? What detail did she film?

It's common knowledge that Kilhey Court is going to be used for accommodating immigrants.
But - the questions are, WHY does it need security? WHY does it need a fence?
I'm thinking the fence is to keep the immigrants in, and that the ones they are bringing there might be classified as dangerous, who knows?

But, she and the rest of the protesters, won't get anywhere insulting the police and the security men.
All they can do is let their objections be known.

Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 19:21

Posted by: Pewfall (532) 

I find that woman very rude. I'd build a leccy fence front of my house to keep her out. Notice one of her followers at the link states worthington lakes is now a 'no go zone'....... Rubbish. I was at the lakes tuesday, saw some of these new locals. They weren't doing any harm, were quiet and polite - unlike the gangs of local youths down there recently, drinking, leaving piles of litter, illegally swimming in the resevoir.

Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 19:48

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)

The fence is to keep the protesters out, I have a lot of memories of Kilhey Court, starting in the 1980s, and going back to the 1970s I had connections in that part of the world, and I used to walk around the reservoirs there, when you weren't supposed too, and so seeing that place fenced off like that with guards, both made my blood boil and run cold, it is like bad dream watching that, this country didn't used to be like that, we need to leave the ECHR and build internment camps for the mainly young male, economic migrants, if that sounds draconian, then is what is happening at Kilhey Court not 'draconian' and also at the hundreds of other hotels contracted by the government to house these scum

They really are taking the piss, and that IDIOT Starmer and his 'gob on legs sidekick' are just going to make it worse

Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 19:56

Posted by: First Mate (2636)

Amanda Rose far right youtube vlogger.

Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 19:57

Posted by: admin (1786)


Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 21:58

Posted by: First Mate (2636)

It's nothing to do with the owners, and everything to do with Serco. They took over the hotel, the owners will have no say. Serco must take precautions to protect the property, till it's handed back to the owners. Probably in about 5 years time.

Replied: 17th Sep 2023 at 22:10
Last edited by First Mate: 17th Sep 2023 at 22:17:35

Posted by: Owd Codger (3689)

Posh internment camp after all, despite the so called protesting by Lisa Nandy and the Labour controlled Council.

What lengths they will go too in order to make it look that they are against the use of the hotel for immigrants when at the same time agreeing with the usage and allowing alterations without it would appear planning permission just about sums up the two faced MP and Council!

Why do people keep voting for them?

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 07:03

Posted by: tonker (28602) 

An MP is parliamentaty and a Council is governmental. An MP has no authority over Council. Especially an opposition MP.
If the Government say the hotel is to be used to house immigrants, the Council have no say in the matter. They merely work for the Government.
The Labour councillors try to oppose the Council, on behalf of the local public. They don't do a good job of it!

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 08:54

Posted by: wigvet (3569)

The furore over the Kilhey Court escapade has been stimulated by one simple fact – it’s in Standish locality!! – Had that hotel been in Scholes & Platt Bridge would we have had a similar outcry? I very much doubt it – but just because Antoinette Camille Cholmondely, in her half a million-pound house, with two BMWs, is going to have to endure the occasional ‘undesirable’ walking past her freshly paved drive and well-manicured lawn, then: let’s have a protest, boycott posh dining at Alberts, email Rishi, threaten direct action by drinking mild and not Campari and refuse to put the external decorative lights on.

Meanwhile in Scholes we have had to endure, for the past three years, the biggest bunch of miscreants housed in a hotel under the pseudonym of ‘homeless’, when in fact they are a mix of drug users and dealers, alcoholics and shoplifters who’s daily encroachment on the emergency services has been a travesty to anyone who has witnessed it. The area outside is awash with drug paraphernalia, the users themselves either sleeping off in the nearby bushes or down by the river Douglas, and the local residents and users of the local pub being constantly hounded by the shoplifters on their return from town offering every item they are able to carry.

Have we had a similar outcry? Has our local councillor got involved? Have we had a protest? – Has there been a petition organised?....... The answer has been NO – because this is Scholes and because, in some folks’ eyes, we are at the lower ebb of the Wigan social spectrum we are expected to accept it.

But I’ll tell you what Standishers, when you get your ‘refugees’, and get them you WILL, can we do a swap? Send them down here to the Mecure Hotel in Scholes and you take the current ‘residents’ off our hands – ANYTHING will be an improvement!

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 11:01
Last edited by wigvet: 18th Sep 2023 at 11:45:53

Posted by: Pewfall (532) 

Wigvet, Suggest you erase the word 'fact' from your first sentence. Kilhey court is Not in Standish at all. It is in Worthington. It is not even in the electoral ward of standish councillors. On a separate issue it doesn't have a Standish WN6 postcode. I notice the recent protest held in centre of Standish seems to have had a lot of input of a Scholes councillor. Why doesn't she keep her nose out of the centre of Standish and concentrate on Scholes, the area she was voted in for? As you clearly reveal to us all, Scholes is in dire need of her help with her being your local councillor.?

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 11:27

Posted by: wigvet (3569)

Amended Pewfall– I would suggest you correct your posting as well – the Councillor to whom you refer represents Ince NOT Scholes

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 11:55

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6754) 

I have just tried to look at the video and it's been took down ,wonder why??? The FACTS are still that these allegedpoor downtrodden illegal immigrants are ROBBING the BRITISH TAXPAYER BLIND and are EXTRACTING THE URINE OUT OF US ALL!!!! After they are given all those freebies of which they do not contribute one bleedin penny ,but still they found the THOUSANDS OF POUNDS IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO BOARD A RUBBER DINGHY , stinks to high heaven what they are getting away with .

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 15:00

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

Its still on Goldenbear.
You just have to let the ads play for a few seconds and then click on "skip ads"

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 15:19

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6754) 

OK thank you Cheshire Lady . G.B.

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 16:12

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)

Golden Bear.

It is a cat, not a lady

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 16:30

Posted by: Pewfall (532) 

Wigvet, I honestly appreciate your level headed reply. This lady advertises on her FB page on bold "Maureen O’Bern Independent Councillor for Ince and Scholes"? Anyone can of course post owt on FB but lets look at real facts : At the last local elections, boundaries changed. here is the link to the the Ince Ward where this lady was voted in for.
click here One can clearly see very much is the councillor for Scholes. I respectfully won't be correcting my correct post.

Replied: 18th Sep 2023 at 23:46
Last edited by Pewfall: 19th Sep 2023 at 00:33:16

Posted by: Pewfall (532) 

I just had a closer look Wigvet. The Mercure (Oak) Hotel is not even within the electoral area of the Ince & Scholes councillor. It is within Wigan Central ward. Correct contact details to complain to are here

click here please

best of luck .

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 00:27
Last edited by Pewfall: 19th Sep 2023 at 00:30:04

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)

Shurrup about boundaries, Kilhey Court is Standish, Mercure Hotel is Scholes, they could house the buggers on industrial estates in vacant warehouse units, make a cubical system, or even have an indoor tent system, and every asylum seeker should have an electronic tag, and be chipped like a dog, if they remove the tag and chip, they get immediately deported to Rwanda or somewhere similar.

Draconian measures, but the government could do it if they wanted too, starting with leaving the ECHR.

Our EU buddies should do the same thing too.

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 11:51

Posted by: admin (1786)

Went to the Gym last night and as I was coming out. One of the gym administrators was showing 6 BLACK ASYLUM SEEKERS how to log in and open the gate using their mobile phones.. It cost around £30.00 a month for gym membership Who is paying for their memberships?? I've just sent off an email to the gym asking the same question.

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 12:20

Posted by: First Mate (2636)

How do you know they were asylum seekers?

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 12:26

Posted by: tonker (28602) 

They were wearing expensive trainers?

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 13:38

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)


You have to be careful about doing stuff like that these days, because you could be accused of being racist, and up having your membership cancelled and be black listed from joining again in the future.

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 14:14

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6754) 

Hello Chesire CAT .
Just a quickie i have just viewd the video and what an eye opener it was , it's an utter disgrace what is happening up there do you know it does not seem 2 minutes since we as the family were up at the court for a party and also both my Grandchildren had their PROMS there ,and now it's boarded off and full of bloomin ILLEGALS rotten what is happening to this country !!G.B.

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 14:59

Posted by: surfer_tom (880)

They are pulling another trick now ,has soon as they step on UK soil they say they feel unwell and need a doctor,once they do that they can't be sent back somebody must be advising them,

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 15:08

Posted by: admin (1786)

TTS being called a RACIST doesn't upset me one iota.. I call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH My grandfather died in WW1 and my father fought in WW2 in order to Franchise me to speak my mind.

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 15:51

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Just read that the bill for hotels etc. has risen to £8m a day.

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 15:54

Posted by: admin (1786)

Does anyone know if the council get money per Asylum Seeker in their area per week?

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 16:01

Posted by: tonker (28602) 

The government give an allowance to their local authorities of £270 a week, for each individual asylum seeker.

Replied: 19th Sep 2023 at 17:03


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